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Update 25 September 2020


The hearing report for the Auckland Regional Landfill resource consent application is now available on the Auckland Council website HERE.

A hearing report is prepared by council officers, and includes recommendations which the hearing panel (commissioners) can refer to in making its decision. The report released yesterday recommends Waste Management’s application be refused, subject to further information being presented.

The refusal is due to concerns regarding ecological and cultural effects. The ecological effects are in relation to the impact on streams; and on specific wildlife in the area due to vegetation removal and wetland reclamation.  The report also notes there are cultural values effects which need to be considered.

Waste Management is committed to addressing these concerns and will be focusing our efforts on how best to do so. We were pleased to note that the report states that “in most respects, the subject site is well suited for the development of a landfill”. It notes that the location is readily accessible, suitably separated from sensitive receivers and able to internalise operational effects. 

The report also says leachate is highly unlikely to leak into the surrounding environment due to the quality landfill lining system and leachate collection and disposal systems, rigorous monitoring system and site geology, adding that the stormwater controls and management systems, in combination with the measures proposed to manage leachate and air discharges, ensures that the risk of adverse human health and environment effects will be suitably addressed.

The private plan change application has also been considered by council officers, and the recommendation is that it be approved, with modifications. This report can be viewed on the Council website HERE. View the ‘Hearing report (plan change)’. 

The Resource Consent and Private Plan Change hearing will begin on Monday 9 November 2020 at Warkworth Town Hall. An outline of what you can expect at the hearing is found within the hearing reports referenced above. 

In the meantime, if we can help you at all, please contact us at Waste Management on 0800 927 837 or with any questions or queries you may have about the proposal.