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Our Environment - Tō Tātau Taiao - Q2 2020

Our Business - Tā Mātau Pakihi - Q2 2020

As an organisation, our purpose is to safeguard our beautiful environment through the sustainable management of our resources.

Goal 1: Reduce Carbon Footprint

Key Actions

  1. Implement carbon footprint reduction plan to reduce our operational carbon footprint in line with our commitments.
  2. Work with our team members to help them reduce their personal carbon footprints.

Click here for our Goal 1 2020 targets

Quarter 2 Update

  1. WM Carbon Footprint Reduction Plan approved by external auditor Toitu and first Carbon Footprint Reduction Committee led by our Managing Director held.
  2. Carbon footprint engagement programme planning progressed.

Goal 2: Expand Sustainable Commitment

Key Actions

  1. Implement activities to encourage suppliers to reduce their carbon footprint.
  2. Develop & implement code of conduct & performance management framework for suppliers.
  3. Develop and implement a procurement framework that incorporates “cost v. delivery v. sustainability” weighting methodology.

Click here for our Goal 2 2020 targets

Quarter 2 Update

  1. A WM & Toitu event scheduled for Oct.
  2. Draft supplier Code of Conduct currently being reviewed.
  3. 100% of 2020 projects incorporated “cost v. delivery v. sustainability” weighting methodology.

Goal 3: Increase Regenerative Planting

Key Actions

Expand support for community programmes that deliver regeneration in areas where we operate.

Click here for our Goal 3 2020 targets

Quarter 2 Update

Discussions with local communities have been delayed due to COVID-19.

For a PDF with the full update on all programme areas click here