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Carbon Neutral - caring for our natural environment

He tūpapa warohea

Material Issues: Carbon & energy use – decarbonisation, climate-related business risk & continuity planning

Objectives Actions
  • 3.1 Our operations are carbon neutral by 2050
Implement activities from our independently verified
carbon footprint reduction plan to reduce Waste
Management’s carbon footprint in science-aligned targets
  • 3.2 Climate risks are identified, published and managed
Identification and assessment of physical &
transitional climate change risks
  • 3.3 Lead the way for customers and suppliers to succeed in their carbon reduction journey

Our landfills have the lowest carbon footprint in
the country for the volume of waste accepted

Provide service offerings that assist with
customers’ carbon reduction

Identify relevant suppliers to be carbon-neutral by
2050 and work with suppliers to identify opportunities
for them to be carbon neutral by 2050

  • 3.4 Work with our team to reduce their own carbon footprint
Work with our team to help them reduce their personal
carbon footprint and make sustainable choices